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At betvlctor伟德软件下载, we understand there may be some confusion around what an uncontested divorce actually entails. Here are a few more answers to some common questions we get.


在佛罗里达州,离婚申请费各不相同. 因此, in order to proceed with the online process and charge the same filing fee for all cases, 伟德betvlctor下载ios所有的案子都在湾县立案, 佛罗里达.  This is something that can be done if both parties to the divorce action agree to have their divorce finalized in Bay County, 佛罗里达.

How does filing for divorce in a county other than the county where I live affect things?

Property distributions (which assets go to which spouse) in 佛罗里达 is final when the Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage is entered. 因此, your asset/liability terms in your settlement agreement cannot be modified later unless both former spouses agree to modify it. 孩子的抚养费和监护权总是可以修改的. 因此, in the future should either party wish to revisit these issues, either parent may seek modification of the time-sharing/parenting plan in the county that one of the parents resides with the child or in the county where the dissolution was finalized. This makes sense as the information the Court would need in deciding whether to modify time-sharing/parenting plan would typically be in the place where the child resides (i.e. 老师、教练、活动等.). In the future should either parent wish to modify 孩子的抚养费, such an action can be brought in the county that either parent resides or the county where the final judgment was entered.


You will receive two certified copies of your Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage so that both parties can have a copy for themselves.

If 孩子的抚养费 is ordered, how do I pay it or receive it?

Child support is paid through the State of 佛罗里达 Disbursement Unit, and it is paid through an income deduction order (that will be signed by the Court when your Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage is signed) that directs the paying spouse’s employer to deduct the 孩子的抚养费 从他们的薪水中. The receiving spouse will then receive the funds electronically through the 佛罗里达 Department of Revenue. All of the information related to your 孩子的抚养费 will be provided to you when we send you the signed Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage.

How is property transferred between spouses after the divorce is finalized?

将所有权等资产转让给车辆, 船, and trailers will require the spouses to sign either the title over to the other spouse based on what is in the Marital Settlement Agreement, or sign a Power of Attorney provided by the 佛罗里达 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to permit the person receiving the vehicle to transfer it solely into their name. 如果车辆或财产有贷款, you will need to refinance the vehicle loan to remove the other person’s name and liability from the loan. 如果被转让的资产是土地/不动产, then you will need to have a deed prepared by an attorney to transfer the property into your individual name. 但, 再一次。, 如果房产有抵押, you will also need to refinance the mortgage in order to remove the other person’s name and liability from it. 伟德betvlctor下载ios将无法在 betvlctor伟德软件下载.

How can you show that you have been a resident of 佛罗里达 for the 6-month residency period?

佛罗里达 Statutes outline the following forms of documentation for proving residency: a valid 佛罗里达 Driver license, 佛罗里达州的选民登记卡, 佛罗里达州的有效身份证, 或者第三方的证词或宣誓书. 当你把你签署的文件还给伟德betvlctor下载ios时, you will need to send us a copy of one of these forms of identification.


在大多数情况下,不需要听证会. We will email you all of the documents that you will need to complete your divorce. 只要你们在公证人面前签字, 然后还给伟德betvlctor下载ios, we will take it from there to have your documents filed with the Court, and will have a Final Judgment signed by the Judge to finalize your divorce.


Unfortunately, there is not much that we can do in this situation. 为了能无争议离婚, both parties will need to be in agreement on the terms of the divorce. If you cannot agree, then we will be unable to finalize your divorce for you. You would then need to seek legal advice from a local attorney to assist you with a contested divorce action. 在这种情况下, 你的文件还没有提交法院, 你不需要向伟德betvlctor下载ios支付法庭申请费. If you paid the filing fee to us when you hired us to prepare your documents, 伟德betvlctor下载ios会将申请费退还给你. The attorney’s fee charged for drafting your documents is earned upon delivery of the documents to you by email and is not refundable.


在佛罗里达, only one spouse needs to be a resident of 佛罗里达 in order to get divorced in 佛罗里达, and the 佛罗里达 resident does not need to be the Petitioner. The spouse residing in 佛罗里达 would need to reside in 佛罗里达 for 6 months before filing the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the Court.


金伯利D. 里德先生.成立 betvlctor伟德软件下载 in 2008 after many years of practicing family law in 佛罗里达, Maryland and Washington D.C. With her 20 years of experience litigating contested divorce and other family law matters and improvements in technology, Kim Reed wanted to offer a simpler process to 佛罗里达 residents. She is a member in good standing in all three jurisdictions.

If you feel like an uncontested divorce would work for your situation, get 这个过程开始了 今天.